mandag 15. februar 2010

No way back now!

Applicationpapers for studies in Germany is handed in, all to do now is to wait for the answer. This will probably be the longest two weeks of my life.

Anyways, under is a picture of the dream - university:
Freie universität zu Berlin. Trust me, I will cry of happiness if I`m able to spend my exchangeyear there.

I have also applied for Humbolt Universiät zu Berlin, Universität Augsburg and Otto -Freidrich Universität Bamberg. Deep down I really don`t care that much about were I go, as long as I`m able to go at all.

Please accept me!

mandag 1. februar 2010

Book recommendation of the month!

Lars Saabye Christensen - the best norwegian writer of our time.

Oscar Wilde`s elevator from 2004. Collection of short stories.
Breath-taking. Mind blowing. Beautiful.

Change Krf can believe in?

Todays Aftenposten:

Obama believed he could change the US. Inger Lise Hansen is now trying to change the norwegian Christian Democratic party, Krf. Yesterday the new vise - president of Krf announced that she wanted to change her party and make it more liberal. Just one day later it is evident that to change Krf can be even more difficult than changing the US. Inger Lise Hansen told media yesterday that she is pro same-sex marriage outside church, a new look on Israel, pro European Union, "vinmonopol" (liqueur stores owned by government) in every municipality and to remove the law that states that every person with positions in the party have to belong to the christian faith. To most norwegians, a step in the right direction, but to Krf it might be too much. Fight on Inger Lise, I believe!

Du bist Deutschland

Germany will always be the heart of Europe.

lørdag 30. januar 2010

The Baseballs!

I am impressed. It`s been a long time since I found a group from outside the US that I really enjoy listening to again and again. The Baseballs from Germany is really something to check out!

Besides that, it`s been a long time since my last blogpost. I`m back in Oslo after 4 weeks of chistmas holiday with the family in Fredrikstad. Life in Oslo is good as always, and I`m falling more in love with the city for every day. Despite that I have decided to take a year as an international student in Germany, and started studying german at school. It`s going to be hard work, but for the first time in my life I am not only motivated but pleased to spend time with learing the language. It`s such a beautiful language!

Besides that, i would like to recommed a book for all you norwegians: "Oscar Wildes Heis" av Lars Saabye Christensen. It is absolutely fantastic! One of the best collections of novels i have ever read by a norwegian writer. "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D Salinger is a classic that no one should go trough life without reading.

Have a good weekend!

lørdag 5. desember 2009

Olav Thon, you are my hero!

Olav Thon stops his financial support to the University in Trondheim (NTNU)because of their debates about academical and cultural boycott of Israel. This is the greatest news I have read in weeks. That a governmental owned university allow themselves to even think about boycotting a country is in itself reason for all privat supporters to stop their support. Political views should never get in the way of academic communication, and to punish students for the actions of their government is plain stupid.

Communication and understanding is the only way to peace!

Raske menn - fastest hits!

This has been a long week! I had my first exam on tuesdag, American literature. "Discuss the importance of fantasy in M. Butterfly". Great. First of all, M. Butterfly is about a french ambassador who falls in love with a chinese undercover spy. They are in a relationship for 20 years, until this genious of a frenshman discovers that his "girlfriend" is really a guy. Would there be a story without fantasy? Believe me, it wouldn`t. I find it hard to believe that France once were a great world power..! They have good tasting wine but people, that`s all!

I think Nordre Akers newspaper-delivery person is unbelieveably lazy. I never get my newspaper in the weekends any more! How hard can it really be? I need my newspaper to start the day! That is why I`m watching Raske menn - fastest hits instead of reading and pretending to be smart. It`s quite allright, its a good laugh!

"This is von der Gestapo! Is there anyone heeeerrreee?"
"Neinei, ingen her, bare å gå videre!"
"Okei, auf wiederseen"

I read the blog earlier today. That is one strange kid! He has the most popular gay and male blog in Norway, and all he writes about is makeup! I read two posts and got so bored that I gave up. Not that my own blog is the most interesting thing in the world, but at least there is more than just makeup in it. Jeez.

Anyways, Cop15 as it is called these days are coming up! I`m excited. Not that I believe climate miracles is going to happen, but for all the protesting and riots. Poor Danish people I say! I feel their pain, I really do. Deep down I am actually starting to understand the protesters a bit to. We have to take action, not just talk about it. I feel bad for the people growing up after my generation of nothing is done. So be a good world citizen: recycle paper, metal, bottles, everything and do your share!

Have a good weekend everybody!

mandag 30. november 2009

First exam tomorrow!

I can`t believe it! My first university exam is tomorrow. I`m so nervous now I even went to church yesterday to calm my nerves, and I had a surprisingly good time! Hina my roommate and I went to Nordberg kirke here in Oslo, attended a family service (with more kids in one room than I have ever experienced, quite horryfying to be honest),witnessed two baptisms, sang and I tried to calm my nerves with 50 kids screaming. You might not believe me, but it actually worked. Being frustrated with children keeps your mind off things! For some reason Hina likes kids (she has not met enough norwegian ones yet, that why), while I have met to many of them.

Above: The church we went to :)

I have also experienced what might appear quite obvious to others, during svineflu-times, its impossible to get a doctorappointment. First I had to wait for 15 minutes just to talk to the reseption lady, just to be told that the waitingtime is at least two weeks. I love the norwegian health care system!

Anyways: Cold toast is not good, more and better blogposts will come when my exams are over!

Enjoy the snow and the rest of your day!

xx me

onsdag 25. november 2009

Erna Solberg "i vinden"! /On the way to the top!

Høyre (Conservative party) - leader Erna Solberg is now more trusted than Arbeiderparti (social democrats) leader Jens Stoltenberg.

Only 31 % of voters say they "trust, or really trust" the social democrats leader, which means he is down by 4 % since last count. Høyre leader Erna Solberg on the other hand is gaining more and more trust by the voters and is now up on 38%! She has done a great job during the last year and especially during the election campain were she was better than ever! Erna is on the way to the top!

Enjoy capitalism people and have a good day :)

tirsdag 24. november 2009

Swimming, reading and nerves.

I realized this morning that my first exam is only one week away today. I can`t believe it! Still, what else is there to do than to read and hope for the best?

This weekend the General assembly for my home county youth party (Østfold Unge Høyre)was arranged. My resolution on the Middle East and Israels need for our support was confirmed and is now official policy for Østfold Unge Høyre! :) But I am quite sure that I am a lot more trilled about that then you guys are, so I will talk about something maybe a bit more interesting.

I have granted myself with two new hobbies since I have been a good student and read A LOT! I picked up my old german books when I visited my family this weekend and have started practising german again. Es geths sehr gut! I have also started swimming down at Domus Atletica (the students sportcenter). I have always loved swimming! I do believe swimming is the only sport in the entire world that I am actually good at! I enjoy joining the fresbee team, I like playing soccer and I like basketball, but honestly, I AM DREADFUL! I like jogging but my bad back was never made for running... I enjoy the teamspirit though. Thats perhaps the only thing lacking in swimming. It`s only you alone and wather is not good for conversation. But on the other hand, it feels better when you win something in swimming because you know that it`s in fact 100% your own achievement.

I`m going down to the swimming hall now. Or maybe I should start writing my last essay. I don`t know. What I do know is that I should do something else that this.

Have a wonderful day!

Ps! I bought Brüno on sale at Elkjøp Megastore last night. Stupid, boring and disgusting movie. Nothing like the amazing Borat. Do not waste money on buing it! Buy the new LITTLE BRITAIN USA instead. Brand new and awensome :D